Custom Commemorative Coins for a Special Project

Precious metals custom commemorative coins are a perfect way to mark a significant achievement. When that achievement took nearly a quarter of a century to be finished, only CoinsForAnything’s quality silver custom commemorative coins can capture the essence of the recognition.
We made the custom commemorative coins in question for one incredibly dedicated man. He, together with a group of devoted people, gave 23 years of his life to restoring a Citroën Old-timer Roadster Cabriolet. Naturally, such a long and demanding undertaking required a special celebration of its completion. The coins for the project from us were the crowning glory of their hard work. They honoured the persistence in fulfilling a long-term dream.
999 Fine Silver Custom Commemorative Coins with Embossed Citroën Image
There was a long and detailed discussion of the future appearance of the precious metal custom commemorative coins. During which, our team together with a client decided to reflect both the stunning appearance of the car today and the many years of effort that went into restoring it. Our team of coin designers worked diligently to create a personalised design for the silver custom commemorative coins.
The front side of the custom commemorative coins features an image of the Citroën. It is incredibly detailed. The custom commemorative coins display all the important details not only of the collectable cabriolet’s exterior but also the interior. To pay tribute to the effort involved in the restoration, custom commemorative coins gleam with a Latin inscription around the image of the Citroën — REDIVIVA E RVINIS REFLORESCIS GLORIA. Translated into English, it reads: “Risen from the ruins, once again blossoming with glory”.
On the back side of the 999 silver custom commemorative coins, we have placed a text stating the full name of the vehicle and the time needed to restore it. For this purpose, together with the designers, the client selected a suitable font. The custom commemorative coins gained a sophisticated and distinctive look.
CoinsForAnything minted 23 pure silver coins for a project. The custom commemorative coins served as memorialising presents to the customer as well as to the people who actively contributed to the restoration of the vintage car.

Honouring the Dream Embodiment with Citroën Custom Commemorative Silver Coins
The silver Citroën coins for a project were extremely interesting for us in terms of design creation and actual mintage. It was a challenge of sorts to mint custom commemorative coins of such quality, and we are proud to say that we rose to this challenge. The precious metal custom commemorative coins with their extremely detailed design have become one of the highlights of our portfolio. The team of CoinsForAnything went to great lengths to do a tribute to the grandiose project of restoring a collector’s vehicle with custom commemorative coins minted at our certified factory. We tried to satisfy all the wishes of our client to have his custom commemorative coins look exactly as he would like them to. CoinsForAnything treated the minting of custom commemorative coins with the utmost professionalism and attention to detail.

Are You Interested in Precious Metal Custom Commemorative Coins Minting?
Using our Coin Configurator, you can easily create the first draft of your custom commemorative coins’ look. Our team of coin designers will then help make such coins for your project a reality!
Disclaimer: Our products on this page are known as “Coins” in order to comply with general linguistic usage. It should be expressly pointed out that it concerns, however, individually embossed medals and no current or former means of payment/currency.