Coins for Ceremonies Make Your Celebration Complete

Is there a way to commemorate a particular politician, a public person with a strong sense of civic position or to mark a significant event in the life of a community or city? Certainly, there is, and it is actively used! Coins for ceremonies can and do serve this pleasant and responsible mission. The customizable nature of coins for ceremonies allows them to be made with absolutely any design. They can be minted from metal (bronze, brass) and coated with a precious metal (platinum, gold, or silver). Additionally, custom coins can be coloured with enamel in the desired pigment palette.
CoinsForAnything is a certified manufacturer of custom coins for ceremonies of any complexity. We would like to tell you about a run of coins for ceremonies that we specifically liked. Our coin designers and craftsmen did an outstandingly great job: The coat of arms of the German federal state of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania was precisely minted in the Bronze core of these ceremony coins.
Coins for Ceremonies Made in Our Own Facility
After lengthy discussions and work on the design, our team proceeded to craft the run, each piece with their awe-inspiring look. These specific ceremony coins are a respectable 50 mm in diameter and 3mm in thickness. Made of bronze and plated in 24K Gold they have everything to make them exclusively chic.
Their front side presents the outline of the state of Mecklenburg-West Pommerania with the minister’s signature. On the back side, these coins for ceremonies of the state, our coinage experts have used enamel colours to highlight the recessed areas of the embossed coat of arms. In colour, it distinguishes even better from the ceremony coins’ sandblasted background. The high-quality hard enamel filling seals with the embossed contours, underlining the accuracy of the crest on the medals.

Elegant, Labelled Packaging of Coins for Ceremonies
To give them the right appearance, coins for ceremonies should be properly packaged. That’s why CoinsForAnything always provides our customer with a range of great coin packaging options for the coins for ceremonies we have minted. In the presented case, a dark blue velvet pouch served as a neat yet stylish, labelled packaging option. Paying tribute to the ceremonial nature of the coins being handed over, these coin pouches have been printed with the coat of arms of the German state on both sides. The velvet pouch was a chic touch that complimented the ensemble of the worthy award. A lot of effort and work went into this project of custom minting of ceremony coins, and we are proud that we coped with it perfectly.
Do You Need Your Own Custom-Minted Coins?
You’ve come to the right place if you need coins for ceremonies! CoinsForAnything is ready to manufacture ceremony coins with designs of any complexity. Try designing them yourself by using our Coin Configurator.
Contact us today!
Disclaimer: Our products on this page are known as “Coins” in order to comply with general linguistic usage. It should be expressly pointed out that it concerns, however, individually embossed medals and no current or former means of payment/currency.