Federal State Coin

The Federal State Coin from Mecklenburg-West Pomerania
Appropriately to the timing of the federal state elections in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, we would like to present the coins that have been minted with both the current and former Minister Presidents. It is important for us to note that this federal state coin continuously provides us with outstanding feedback from those who see it. Without a doubt, this coin is one of the most beautiful projects that we have minted.
The state coin is 50mm in diameter and 3mm wide with a bronze core. On the outside, it is plated in 24 Carat Gold which is rounded out with extremely detailed coloring on the front and back side. On the coin, the outline of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania with the signature of the minister. On the back side of the coin, the customer has minted the crest of Mecklenburg-West Pomerania on top of a background that was sandblasted. On this portion of the coin, it becomes clear how detailed and delicately the hard-enamel was prepared, which allows the crest of the federal state to be placed perfectly on the background.
So that not only the federal state coin would leave a great impression, but the packaging as well, the client chose a dark-blue velvet bag with individual logos printed on them. The front of the packaging is decorated with the official federal state crest in color on both the front- and backsides of the coin. These velvet bags are not only beautiful and easy on the eyes, but they also help save space. It is easy to fit multiple coins packaged in velvet bags into a sports jacket or brief case without changing the appearance of your outfit.
The federal state coins, in combination with their individually designed packages, developed in to a beautiful project that we will continue to mint with great pleasure in the upcoming years.
To start making your custom coins today, head over to our Coin Configurator. Here you can create a first draft of how you’d like your custom coin to look before our team of design experts then help you craft them perfectly.