Customised Coins for Universities

Customised coins for universities and colleges
Unique, customised coins are a time-honored tradition in the halls of higher learning. Many schools gift special coins as prizes or keepsakes to commemorate momentous events in the the institution’s history. With CoinsForAnything, it’s easier than ever before to get embossed, customized coins with infinite customization and the highest technical standards. The result is a unique, durable, eye-catching university medal that saves time and money without compromising quality.

Memories cast as cherished, customised coins
Giving each graduate a coin embossed with a special, yearly design does justice to the scope of the event. Freshman can be presented with customised coins welcoming them to their university or dormitory. Festivals, events and awards can be memorialised by embossing unique coins for the occasion. And a one-of-a-kind medal is an unforgettable way to honor retiring professors or to greet guest lecturers.

Your unique university coin can be embossed
Our online configuration app is easy to use and understand, and our customised coins come in a variety of materials and designs. There is no better way to make your school stand out than with unique, customised coin. Send us your request today.